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2015. gada publikācijas

 Zinātniskie raksti, kas publicēti starptautiskos, recenzētos zinātniskos izdevumos, kas iekļauti Web of Science vai Scopus zinātniskās literatūras datu bāzēs

zinātniskie raksti žurnālos:

  1. S.Ivanovs, A.Adamovics, A.Rucins. Investigation of the technological spring harvesting variants of the industrial hemp stalk mass. / Agronomy Research. Volume 13, Issue 1, Tartu, Estonia, 2015, pp.53-60. ISSN 1406-894X. (Journal Article, Scopus,)

konferenču rakstu krājumos:

  1. S.Ivanovs, A.Rucins, O.Valainis, D.Belakova, E.Kirilovs, R.Vidzickis. Research of technological process of hemp slab production. //Engineering for Rural Development, Proceedings, Volume 14, 2015. pp. 202-209. (Scopus & WoS).
  2. V.Bulgakov, S.Ivanovs, V.Adamchuk. Estimated mathematical model of plane-parallel motion of trailed hemp harvesting aggregate. /Engineering for Rural Development, Proceedings, Volume 14, 2015. pp. 33-40. (Scopus & WoS).
  3. Bulgakov, V., Ivanovs, S., Adamchuk, V., Boris, A. Mathematical model for determination of losses of sugar bearing-mass when sugar beet tops are removed // Engineering for Rural Development, Proceedings, Volume 14, 2015.  pp. 41-45. (Scopus & WoS).
  4. Sysuev, V., Ivanovs, S., Savinyh, P., Kazakov, V.  Movement and transformation of grain in two-stage crusher Engineering for Rural Development, Proceedings, Volume 14, 2015.  pp. 22-27. (Scopus & WoS).
  5. E. Kirilovs, S. Kukle, D. Beļakova, A. Borodiņecs, Ā. Ruciņš, V. Stramkale. Thermal Conductivity of Hemp Based Boards. Rezekne, Higher Education Institution, in proceedings of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmental. Technology. Resources”. 2015. (Iesniegts publicēšanai Scopus datu bāzē)
  6. A.Ilsters, I.Ziemelis, H.Putans. Efficiency of Heat Recovery from Pigsty Manure. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering. Latvia, Jelgava. 2015, pp. 94-99. Indeksēts SCOPUS.
  7. V.Zagorska, H.Putans, I.Pelece, I.Ziemelis. Rolled up Hemp Mass Desiccation in Field Conditions by Solar Radiation. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering. Latvia, Jelgava. 2015, pp. 94-99. Indeksēts SCOPUS.
  8. L.Kancevica, I.Ziemelis, A.Aboltins. Mathematical Model for Solar Energy Collector with Reflectors. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development. Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering. Latvia, Jelgava. 2015, pp. 477-482. Indeksēts SCOPUS.
  9. N.Kopiks, D.Viesturs, O.Valainis “Fleet of tractors on farms of Latvia, its structure and energy intensity.” Proceedings of 14th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 14, Jelgava, 2015, pp.84-87 (published in data base: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-5976

Publikāciju bibliogrāfija anonīmi recenzētos starptautiskos zinātniskos izdevumos, proceedings

  1. Mihailo Zorya, Semjons Ivanovs. A study of the movement dynamics of the working tool for the furrow formation // JOURNAL of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering; 60(2), Poznan: Przemysowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych (PIMR), Branzowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej, 2015, pp.85-88 (Journal Article, ind Agris, Cabi)
  2. Vasily Kurilo, Alexandra Marchuk, Semjons Ivanovs. Impact of agrotechnical methods upon the energetic productivity of sugar sorghum.// JOURNAL of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering; 60(2), Poznan: Przemysowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych (PIMR), Branzowy Ośrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej, 2015, pp.50-53 (Journal Article, ind Agris, Cabi).
  3. Pelēce, I., Ivanovs, S., Ruciņš, Ā., Valainis, O. Air Heating Solar Collector for Hemp Drying.  Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015, Latvia, Rīga, 6.-9. 05. 2015. RTU PRESS, 2015, pp.-240. ISBN 978-9934-10-685-9.
  4. R.Brencis, J.Skujans, U.Iljins. I.Ziemelis, J.Navickas. Hemp Shaves Reinforcement Influence on Thermal Conductivity and Physical-mechanical Properties of Foam Gypsum. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Civil Engineering. Latvia University of Agriculture, Department of Architecture and Building. Volume 5. Latvia, Jelgava. 2015, pp.29-36. (ind Ebsco).
  5. V. Lekavicius, P. Shipkovs, S. Ivanovs, A. Rucins. Thermo-insulation properties of hemp-based products. / Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. Vol 52. 2015. pp.38-51. ISSN 0868-8257. (Journal Article, ind Ebsco, iesniegts publicēšanai Scopus datu bāzē)

Citas zinātniskās publikācijas

  1. S.Ivanovs, A.Adamovics, A.Rucins, O.Valainis. An energy efficient technology for harvesting and processing the stalks of industrial hemp./ Proceedings of International Scientific Conference 36 CIOSTA&CIGR Section 5 Conference  “Environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry for future generations”. Saint Petersburg, 2015. pp. 179-182.
  2. A.Adamovics, S.Ivanovs, V.Dubrovskis. Productivity of industrial hemp and utilization there of for biogas production./ Book of full papers of International Scientific Conference 36 CIOSTA&CIGR Section 5 Conference “Environmentally friendly agriculture and forestry for future generations”. Saint Petersburg, 2015. pp. 14-19.

Zinātniski populārās un zinātniski metodiskās publikāciju (grāmatas, pārējās publikācijas) nosaukumi

  1. P. Šipkovs, S. Ivanovs, S. Kukle, G. Kaškarova, Ā. Ruciņš, K. Ļebedeva, L. Migla, D. Beļakova, R. Vidzickis, E. Kirilovs, A. Borodiņecs, V. Lekavičius, I. Pelēce, O. Valainis, J. Šipkovs, I. Šahta, I. Kašurina, A. Snegirjovs. (2015) Inovatīvas tehnoloģijas siltuma un aukstuma ieguvei un jaunu produktu ražošanai, izmantojot vietējos atjaunojamos energoresursus. Metodiskais materiāls, Rīga, 169 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-14-646-6.
  2. Dainis Viesturs, Aivis Zālītis “John Deere kombaini.” Žurnāls “Saimnieks LV” 2015.g. janvāris,  58.-59. lpp.
  3. Oskars Valainis, Dainis Viesturs “Laverda kombaini.” Žurnāls “Saimnieks LV” 2015.g. februāris, 62.-63. lpp.
  4. Dainis Viesturs, Raitis Mackevičs “New Holland kombaini.” Žurnāls “Saimnieks LV” 2015.g. aprīlis, 80.-83. lpp.
  5. Aivars Saulājs, Dainis Viesturs.“Deutz- Fahr  kombaini.” Žurnāls “Saimnieks LV” 2015.g. jūlijs, 70.-71. lpp.