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2012. gada publikācijas

Zinātniskās publikācijas

  1. V.Zagorska, I.Ziemelis, L.Kancevica, H.Putans. Eksperimental investigation of photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collector. Agronomy Research. Volume 10, Biosystems Engineering. Special Issue 1, Tartu, Estonia, 2012, p.227-233. (Abstracted and indexed: Scopus, Thompson Scientific database (ISI Master Journal List): Zoological Records, Biological Abstracts and Biosis Previews, AGRIS, ISPI, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts, AGRICOLA (NAL; USA), VINITI, INIST-PASCAL).
  2. Janis Laceklis-Bertmanis, Liene Kanceviča, Janis Mistris. Research of running distances of electric vehicles in urban and ekstra urban regimes. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.377-381 (Abstracted and indexed:  AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  3. Vitalijs Osadcuks, Aldis Pecka, Raimunds Selegovskis, Liene Kanceviča. Study of energetic balance of regenerative electric vehicle in a city driving cycle. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.388-392 (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043. (publicēts datu bāzēs: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  4. Uldis Putnieks, Maris Gailis, Liene Kanceviča. Analysis on electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Latvia. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.400-405 (publicēts datu bāzēs: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043. (Abstracted and indexed:  AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  5. Adolfs Rucins, Kristine-Zihmane Ritina, Gunars Bremers, Oskars Vilitis, Gints Birzietis, Arturs Baltins, Arnolds Skele, Juris Bergs. Exploration of technological equipment for bioethanol dehydration. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.406-411. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database . ISSN 1691-3043.
  6. Dainis Viesturs, Nikolajs Kopiks, Armands Binovskis. Methodology for estimation of amount of polluting emissions created by fleet of tractors in connection  with its modernisation. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.423-427. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  7. Jan Barvicki, Stanislav Gach,. Semjons Ivanovs. Proper utilization of soils structure for crops today and conservation for future generations. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.10-15. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  8. Arvids Vilde, Adolfs Rucins. Development of agricultural mechanics. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.67-73.( Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  9. Arvids Vilde, Dainis Lapins, Gundega Dinaburga, Sandris Cesnieks, Oskars Valainis. Investigations in precise agriculture: results, problems, perspective development. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.74-80.(Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  10. Arvids Vilde. Profilograms of share-mouldboards surfaces of some typical plough bodies. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”, Volume 11, Jelgava, 2012, pp.81-87.(Abstracted and indexed:: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  11. Astra Asejeva, Nikolajs Kopiks, Dainis Viesturs. Age structure of Tractor fleet in Latvian agriculture. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ”Economic Science for Rural Development”, Nr.29, Jelgava, 2012, pp.58-61, (Abstracted and indexed: ISI Web of Knowledge, Agris, Ebsco), ISSN 1691-3086.     
  12. Dainis Viesturs, Nikolajs Kopiks, Oskars Valainis. Methodology for the estimation of changes in the amount of polluting emissions created by the fleet of tractors. Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering. Poznan, PIMR, 2012, Vol. 57(4), pp. 164-167,( Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS-FAO un CAB Abstracts International). ISSN 1642- 686X
  13. A.Ilsters, I.Ziemelis. Elimination of outside air heat pump evaporators icing. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”. Jelgava, Latvia. Volume 11, p. 122-127. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS, CAB ABSTRACTS, CABI full text, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, Thompson Web of Science, Elvesier Scopus, PROQUEST database).
  14. A.Aboltins, A.Upitis. Experimental and theoretical investigation of agricultural material drying process. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for Rural Development”. Jelgava, Latvia. Volume 11, p. 93-98. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS, CAB ABSTRACTS, CABI full text, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, Thompson Web of Science, Elvesier Scopus, PROQUEST database).
  15. V.Zagorska. Analysis of alternative ventilation system designs for a pigsty: A comparative literature review. In: 2012 IX International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES IX)  ILES12-2174. Valencia, Spain. Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Available:[confid=iles2012]&redirType=conference.asp&redirType=conference.asp
  16. Moskvins G., Spakovica E., Moskvins A., Shakhtarina A. Development of energy saving technologies in municipal services systems. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. 2012, Nr.27, p. 15.
  17. Moskvins G., Spakovica E., Moskvins A., Shakhtarina A., Beldavs V. Development of nanotechnology in agriculture for small northern european country. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, 2012, LLU, Jelgava, p.157. (163ISSN 1691-3043). (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  18. Moskvins G., Spakovica E., Moskvins A., Shakhtarina A. Laplace model of transformation for optimization of measuring signal in non-uniform flow of liquid. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, 2012. Jelgava, p. 164-172. .( Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  19. Spakovica E., Moskvins G. Protection of Consumer’s Rights in Cross-Border Shopping by Distance. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”, 26-27 .04.2012, Nr. 27, 2012, Jelgava, p. 234-241. (Abstracted and indexed: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuter Web of Science; Elsevier  SCOPUS; PROQUEST database ). ISSN 1691-3043.
  20. I.Ziemelis, I.Pelēce, M.Pelše, V.Zagorska. Semi-spherical Collector for Water Heating. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods and Technologies, Bulgaria, Volume 6, Part 1, 2012, p. 250-162. (Published at :, ISNN 1313-2539).
  21. I.Pelece, I.Ziemelis. Water heating effectiveness of semi-spherical solar collector. Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”. Jelgava, Latvia. 2012, p. 185-189. (ISBN 978-9984-48-070-1).
  22. L.Kancevica, H.Putans, I.Ziemelis. The tracking system for solar collectors with reflectors. Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”. Jelgava, Latvia. 2012, p. 190-195. (ISBN 978-9984-48-070-1).
  23. V.Zagorska, H.Putāns, I.Ziemelis. Experimental investigation of heat carrier flow efficiency. Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency”. Jelgava, Latvia. 2012, p. 201-206. (ISBN 978-9984-48-070-1).
  24. S.Ivanovs, V.Ustinovs. Effiency research of the preplant local deep loosening of soil in biological potato growing Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering. Poznan, PIMR, 2012, Vol. 57(2), pp. 83-85,(publicēts datu bāzēs AGRIS-FAO un CAB Abstracts International). ISSN 1642- 686X
  25. S.Ivanovs, S.Gach, I.Skonieczny. Possibilities of Saving consumable Materials used in Harwesting Haylage pressed intoBalles and Rolls. 8.International Scientific Conference, Proceedings, Moskau, VIESH, 2012. Volume 2. pp.27-33. (In Russian).
  26. V. Bulgakov, S. Ivanovs. Simulation of vertical Oscilations of mobile Agricultural Machine.8.International Scientific Conference “”, Proceedings, Moskau, VIESH, 2012. Volume 2.  pp.129-134 (In Russian).
  27. I.Palamarchuk,  I.Golovach, V.Jaremenko, S.Ivanovs. Development of algorithm for solving the needs of agricultural machinery. Collection of scientific papers of Vinnica National University, Issue 11, Volume 2 (66). Vinnica, 2012. pp.38-42. (In Ukrainian)
  28. S.Ivanovs, V.Ustinovs. Effiency research of the preplant local deep loosening of soil in biological potato growing Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering. Poznan, PIMR, 2012, Vol. 57(2), pp. 83-85 (publicēts datu bāzēs AGRIS-FAO un CAB Abstracts International). ISSN 1642- 686X

  Publikācijas nozares žurnālos

  1. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš., D. Viesturs. Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecībā. Saimnieks Nr. 1, 2012. gada janvāris, 59 - 62. lpp.
  2. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš., D. Viesturs. Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecībā. Saimnieks Nr. 2, 2012. gada februāris, 73. lpp.
  3. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš. Arklu izvēle. Saimnieks Nr. 2, 2012. gada februāris, 71 – 72. lpp.
  4. O. Valainis. 10 lietas, kas jāzina, izvēloties teleskopisko iekrāvēju. Saimnieks Nr. 2, 2012. gada februāris, 74 – 75 lpp.
  5. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš. Arklu izvēle. Saimnieks Nr. 2, 2012. gada marts, 68 – 70. lpp.
  6. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš., D. Viesturs. Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecībā. Saimnieks Nr. 2, 2012. gada marts, 76. lpp.
  7. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš. Rudens arumu apstrāde pavasarī. Saimnieks Nr. 3, 2012. gada aprīlis, 82 - 85 . lpp.
  8. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš, G. Sevostjanovs. Preterozijas rugaiņu apstrāde pavasarī. Saimnieks Nr. 3, 2012. gada aprīlis, 92. – 94. lpp.
  9. A. Vilde, A. Ruciņš., D. Viesturs. Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģijas lauksaimniecībā. Saimnieks Nr. 3, 2012. gada aprīlis, 96. lpp.
  10. S. Ivanovs, R. Balode. Zāles lopbarības sagatavošanas tehnikas izvēle. Saimnieks Nr. 4, 2012. gada aprīlis, 62. – 66. lpp.
  11. A. Vilde, G. Sevostjanovs. Lieljaudas tehnika un augsnes blīvēšana. Saimnieks Nr. 4, 2012. gada aprīlis, 74. – 75. lpp.
  12. R. Balode, S. Ivanovs, Ā. Ruciņš. Mitru graudu placināšanas un konservēšanas tehnoloģija. Saimnieks Nr. 7, 2012. gada augusts, 76. – 77. lpp.
  13. D. Viesturs, K. Vārtukapteinis. Četrpadsmit dažādi kombaini. Saimnieks Nr. 8, 2012. gada septembris, 83. – 85. lpp.
  14. A. Vilde. Aršanas tehnoloģiskā procesa tehniskie risinājumi. Saimnieks Nr. 9, 2012. gada oktobris, 70. – 71. lpp.
  15. S. Lence. Izveidota jauna tehnoloģija 100% spirta iegūšanai. Saimnieks Nr. 9, 2012. gada oktobris, 60. – 61. lpp.